The span between Thanksgiving and New Year’s offers endless opportunities for business executives to get ahead, from slimmer competition in the job market to a corporate experience that lends itself to planning and preparation. Small businesses and major corporations alike use the holidays to establish strong teams for the coming quarter. Often HR departments and company boards spend late December and early January interviewing top candidates for leadership positions and training new hires in their company structure.
The holidays provide more than just an opportunity for career growth, though. Experts agree that refocusing on personal goals can revitalize professionals for the coming year, allowing them to think more intuitively, see fresh paths more clearly, and pursue career goals with determination. Whether you’re taking the month off from corporate stresses or you’re knee-deep in resume rewrites, take a few days this Christmas to focus on family. A healthy work/life balance allows businesspeople to dive more deeply into both personal and professional success. After all, at the root of every successful career is a supportive family, an encouraging friend, or a beloved mentor who pushed you to succeed.
Merry Christmas from Executive Resumes Atlanta!