Make an Impression on LinkedIn

stand out in executive networkingIn today’s digitally-driven age, diligent work and measurable results alone won’t drive an executive career. Getting recognition, finding new opportunities, and expanding your professional network all depend on personal branding. Most C-level employees have rotund LinkedIn profiles, but even the most successful businesspeople often miss key strategies for fully optimizing their online brands. Stand out on LinkedIn with these 5 tips for digital self-promotion.

3 Tips for Standing Out on LinkedIn

  • Get personal. Filling out your headline, profile, and job summary isn’t enough to catch the eye of Atlanta’s top recruiters. To fully utilize your professional network, hone your LinkedIn profile until it’s concise and professional without erasing your personality.  As in personal networking situations, recruiters scour online profiles for executives who will meld with a company’s established vision and culture.
  • Engage others. Stagnant LinkedIn profiles don’t win jobs and influence HR teams. If you’re struggling with staying active on LinkedIn, research how other executives in your industry manage their profiles. Join groups, add compelling and informative updates, follow companies whose work inspires you, and network through mutual connections.
  • Don’t forget keywords. Although LinkedIn may feel like a virtual elevator pitch, don’t forget to optimize for search engines, too. Executives connect with more (and more relevant) professionals when they carefully choose relevant keywords for their skills, bios, and job descriptions.

Executive Resumes Atlanta specializes in helping executives find career success by their restructuring their resumes and optimizing personal branding efforts. For expert advice on creating an impactful LinkedInProfile, contact Colleen.

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