Sheryl Sandberg revolutionized the corporate world for female leaders. When she accepted a position on the board of Facebook in 2012, she spoke vocally about her intentions to develop a healthy work/life balance. Her 2013 bestseller, “Lean In,” encourages women to shake off the stigmas of full-time careers and fully engage with both their personal and professional lives. Her open dialogue about executive careers, motherhood, and the necessity of a healthy work/life balance is slowly changing the corporate climate for female executives.
What Women Bring to the Corporate World
Women have struggled for centuries to prove their intelligence, capabilities, and problem-solving skills to male leaders. Data shows that female leaders are not simply as capable as their male counterparts, but also capable in different ways. Businesses with female leaders have stronger internal communication, foster better trust between employees, and rely more heavily on the “slow and steady” approach to achieving corporate goals. Although leaders with stereotypically masculine traits climb the corporate ladder more quickly than their feminine counterparts, businesses with female leadership have high levels of success. Apart from gender bias in the workplace, the biggest impediment towards female success in the executive world is women’s natural tendency to undervalue their skills. Women who, as Sheryl Sandberg advised, “lean in” can achieve career success beyond their own expectations. Top performing companies typically have both male and female leadership, melding traditional leadership wisdom with emotional intelligence that drives both internal and external success.
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