Networking Etiquette

As networking (in-person and online) is a vital component of the job search, it’s important to use common courtesy when reaching out to colleagues and acquaintances in both situations.  In a face-to-face meeting, if you break the rules of networking etiquette – coming on too strong, telling an off-color joke, etc. – you’ll be remembered, but for the wrong reasons!

A few basic networking rules to remember:

1) Make a good impression with a strong introduction.

2) Keep it brief – this is the time for that two-minute elevator speech!

3) Focus on the positive! This is not the time for aired grievances or sad stories.

4) Be a good listener – take the time to pay attention to – and file in your memory – the key points from your contact’s elevator speech.

5) Pass on your business card – again keep it brief. Better yet, create a networking business card (mini resume) and you’re covering both bases at once!